When I am FED UP with writing papers, looking at my physics textbook in confusion, and going days without sleep to cram for school in general... I find myself dreaming of a better place. A place without math, a place where the laws of physics don't apply... a school of MAGIC.
I dream of the day my Hogwarts acceptance letter is delivered by one of the castle owls.
Through the brick wall at platform 9 and 3/4 I would go. I would climb aboard the Hogwarts express and I would make all kinds of new friends.
I wish that I was able to be a first year student with Harry Ron and Hermione. I would Sit in their compartment in the train and watch Hermione fix Harry's broken glasses. Then I would kick Malfoy in the nuts when he acts like a little bitch.
Hagrid would take the first years to the castle via boat.
The Sorting hat would sort me into one of the four magical houses.
I just KNOW that Harry would let me join his crew. I would be such a great addition.
No one fucks with MY FRIENDS.
I would teach Snape a lesson.
Voldemort trembles in fear at the sight of me.
Avada Kedavra.